Sunday 21 December 2008


is nearly over
this year has been... not the best
but it's been good
i've grown up quite a bit
met new people who have made a big impact on my life
this summer was amazing

i'm growning up fast, i need to pull my finger out at school, get fit and think about the future instead of doing nothing at all
i'm excited about the future

favourite song for today: From Heads Unworthy - Rise Against

oh and the dog above, he's about to kiss his life goodbye.
he's going to go through the worst way of dying, being skinned alive by a korean man who knows no better.
fur is dead, don't wear it, don't say it's nice and soft and fluffy, don't say 'wow, she looks nice in that ankle length real fur coat,' don't give nice looks to people who wear fur, don't give them the time of day, don't be friends with them, don't say nice things to them, don't let them live.
fur is hideous, no way, in any shape or form is fur acceptable.
seen someone wearing real fur? seen it in a shop? make a scene, let people know you have compassion for billions, yes billions, of animals such as dogs, cats, racoons and rabbits that are taken from their home, familys and friends to live a miserable life in a cage no bigger than a dinner plate, fed on remains of animals who have already been stamped on, anally electrocuted and strangled.
all in the name of 'fashion'
if a real fur coat is 'trendy' in the 21st century, the world has no hope.

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